22:19 Unknown 0 Comments

Hey beautiful people! I said in my last post..
I've got really exciting news!..i guess I already gave gave myself away with the picture above  but I'll still say it anyway.
I was nominated for the liebster award by Karina oguara of Yay!

So I'll be answering a few questions concerning my blog,enjoy!

1.what inspires new ideas for your blog? 
I'm usually inspired by the situation around me ,anything and everything fashion inspires my blog ideas.

2 how would you describe you personal style?
I'm a fashion chameleon. I dress how I feel.
I would also say my personal style is work in progress,It gets better everyday.

3. If you could change a single thing about yourself what would it be? Absolutely nothing!..i'm very comfortable in my own skin.

4.what are your pet peeves?
FAKE people,cramped areas,unkempt hair and nails.

5.who and what Inspired you to start your blog?
Who? Nkechi Eze of Bella naija.
What? The fact that  I've always wanted a platform to express my self an create a niche for my passion which is fashion..(lol see what I did there?)

 6. What is your dream job?
Lol, fashion design all the way. 

7. What challenges have you faced since you started blogging?
The fact that I don't have a camera or Internet connection most times are my biggest challenges but I see them as stepping stone to reach my goal. 

8. Who are your favourite bloggers?
Desiree iyama of
Ifeoma amadi of
Cassandra ikegbune of

9.what inspires you?

10. Who inspires you? 
 I really can't begin to list them because they are way too many.different people inspire me for different things.

I nominate any blogger who feels inspired to do a post on this.

Till next post guys!

With fleek, VOURDI.x

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